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Here I Am...


Hi, My name's Matt and I I feel I've got something to say that's worth reading.

I'm 29 years young as of writing this and I live at home with my parents because, life.

A brief history of me would reveal I wasn't an academic or sporty child at school but very creative, choosing to learn to play the Trumpet, make models out of clay or learn about dinosaurs rather than play football with 'The Lads' or bother to understand Algebra.

I was told I was lazy in Year 3 which was a misdiagnosis by my teacher at the time who apparently hadn't completed her medical degree. It turned out I had Dyspraxia and Dyscalculia so while when 'The Lads' were playing football, I was in a classroom learning to catch a ball...

I had a happy childhood and one that I definitely cannot complain about. I suffered from extreme fear of the unknown and abandonment issues which lead to anger management and counselling at the age of around 13.

When I got older I decided sixth form wasn't for me so chose to study Performing Arts at City of Bath College and then went on to study at the Bristol Academy of Performing Arts; a drama school that doesn't exist anymore due to monetary problems, primarily. Despite being told numerous times we would be accredited and achieve greatness, neither of these things seemed to happen which led to many students paying £15,000 for a piece of paper that essentially said 'Congratulations, you completed our course!' and that holds no real sway in the way of degrees. However, I learned invaluable lessons and made friends for life so it wasn't a complete waste of time or money.

I have experienced extreme highs and extreme lows, love and heartbreak, sickness and not much health unfortunately. I was diagnosed with Type One Diabetes at 21 which has lead to many complications due to poor control, partly to my rebelling against the illness for a few years coupled with a poor understanding of it. The complications include Necrobiosis Lipoidica on my right shin, (it looks more painful than it is. Mainly because I have zero feeling there whatsoever), slight Diabetic Maculopathy, which I keep getting told to 'keep an eye on' and I'm not sure if they're aware of the awful pun they're making or if it's something they say to amuse themselves, Erectile dysfunction; something I have suffered with for around four/five years now and you may be shocked to read it but I believe it's something that men should feel ok with talking about as it's not that uncommon and why should we be ashamed? And most recently, Gastroparesis, a chronic stomach disease that causes the worst case of diarrhoea leading to hilarious stories to tell at dinner parties.

Although I do suffer from these, I wake up every day, I have a girlfriend, friends and family whom I love and I have food and shelter above my head.

I live by a mantra that someone, somewhere is worse off than I am so who am I to complain. You'll learn to understand I'm an open book and am brutally honest about my life, trials and tribulations. Because of this and my mantra, I like to think that I am somebodies 'someone, somewhere' and they can feel better about their own situation. I frequently overhear my friends tell each other, "Hey, it could be worse, you could be Matt', and instead of being upset or hurt by this, I'm glad that my situation will lead someone else to worry less about theirs and hopefully give us all a laugh in the process at the tragedy of it all.

Throughout my blog I shall be venting, ranting, telling stories and sharing experiences. I'm not sure what I hope to accomplish from this but if it brings a smile to just one persons face or even helps someone in some way, then I've done my job, whatever that might be.

Please enjoy my ramblings and feel free to get in touch via my Twitter to give constructive and positive comments or rant alongside me, whatever the blog may call for.

Thanks for reading,




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